Bangor Public School

Ever Shining

Telephone02 9543 2244

Principal's message

It is my pleasure to welcome you and your family to Bangor Public School. By selecting our school you are ensuring a safe and caring environment that prides itself on ensuring the best learning outcomes for all students. Bangor School works closely with the local community in all aspects of school life and continues to maintain a high profile in the local community. Our proactive and very supportive P&C are dedicated to supporting our professional staff and all of our students.

We pride ourselves on a collaborative K-6 approach to planning, teaching, assessing and whole school events. Successful transition programs are in place for students entering Kindergarten and when they leave us to attend local high schools.  

All classrooms have Interactive Whiteboards a well resourced library with a computer lab and wifi K-6 for portable devices.

We display excellence in many sporting codes and each year we have many students represent the our school at Regional, State and National levels.

Our student welfare policy is strongly underpinned by being a safe, respectful and being a learner.  Our students have the right to attend school in a happy, safe and nurturing learning environment. Our school teachers, executive and support staff all work together on implementing our K-6 welfare programs and maintain high levels of communication with parents.

There are many extracurricular opportunities for students which include dance, band, choir, guitar, environmental club and knockout sporting competitions.

Our passionate and dedicated team of teachers and support staff work collaboratively to provide quality teaching and learning opportunities for all students. Our friendly and helpful office staff are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

As the Principal of Bangor Public School I warmly welcome your family to our school community and look forward to working together in providing the best education for your child

Craig Snudden

