Bangor Public School

Ever Shining

Telephone02 9543 2244

What's on at Bangor!! Week 8 Term 1

Week 8 Term 1, 2020


Value of the Week - Excellence

Tuesday 17 March

8am Primary Dance Ensemble filming. Please wear all black.
POSTPONED - Sydney East Region Swimming Carnival for selected students
10.25am Community Kids Transition Visit
7pm P&C AGM and Meeting in the library

Friday 20 March

POSTPONED - 2.10pm K-6 assembly hosted by 5/6RL - parents and friends invited

Notes and payments due

Medical Information Form due ASAP
Year 7 High School 2021 Expression of Interest Forms due no later than Friday 20 March
Cross Country Carnival Permission note (Years 3-6 and interested Year 2 students turning 8 in 2020) due Tuesday 24 March 2020
Hot Dog Day Order Form and payment due Friday 3 April 2020
Year 6 Jersey payment due Wednesday 10 April 2020